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Sunday, April 18, 2010

Every 60seconds of happiness

You know how sometimes you get angry at something small but yet it could be big deal for yourself? It's even more annoying when you can't shout at the person you're angry with.


It seems like,
I just need to find a way to get over it.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Theory or Fact?

Translated: If it isn't yours, don't force it.

Recently, a friend of mine got turned down by a girl, again. He fancies this girl for quite awhile now, one day when he finally got the courage to ask the girl out.. well, he got turned down. But the girl did ask for some time to think about it. So he didn't give up, he asked again after awhile, only this time it ruined their friendship.

When people say if you want to make something yours, you keep trying, never give up. But does that really work? Is it just a theory or a fact? Like my friend, he didn't give up, but what he got in the end is not a relationship, but a ruined friendship, broken heart. If he would have stopped trying after the first time, he'd still have the friendship. But what would people say? That he didn't want her enough, that's why he could never get her.

So really, if something isn't yours, should you stop trying and let it go?

Or keep trying till it's yours?

Which should I say to my poor, heart broken friend?

Sunday, April 04, 2010

The 2 Ws'

What do you think of the word Willing and Want?

When you're willing to do something, does that mean you want it that's why you do it? Or deep down, you don't want it but you willingly do it anyway. Just because you're being nice? Or for some other reasons of your own?

Let's say if you saw someone falling down..

Automatically you'd reach out your hand and catch them. But what does that mean?
Did you want to save them from hitting the hard ground? Or it was just a reflex that you willingly let it happen? Because you could have chosen not to bother and walk away.

In life, there are so many things that we want. We would even go after some things throughout our whole life. But why? Like wealth, it's true that we can't live without it in the real world. So we build up our knowledge since young, and have better education just so we can have a better career. But what about those people that hate their jobs and yet have the same job forever?

Why do they still do it?

No matter how much they hate their jobs and themselves everyday, sitting in that small cubicle with annoying phones that just wouldn't stop ringing.. For whatever that it's worth, they probably just want to keep their families happy, therefore working on a stupid job, willingly.

Pretty sure you got what I'm trying to say by now?

Life's too short to waste it on nonsense,
When you really want something for yourself,
You go for it.
No more hesitation.
Everyone deserves to be happy.

Thursday, April 01, 2010

"Quick decisions are unsafe decisions"

Have you ever find it difficult to make choices?
Whether it is a simple question or an impossibly tough one?
ex. What should I be ordering? Banana milkshake or Pear juice?
( That could be a simple question or a tough one, it is just how you see it )

Sometimes we knew the obvious answer to a question but still we put ourselves in a bubble of question marks and act like there is no option. Then end up making ourselves miserable because we would be blaming ourselves for not being able to choose, like a fool that has got no idea what he wants for himself.

For some people, they keep thinking over and over again what's right and wrong till they get lost in their own thoughts. Eventually, find themselves in a foggy dark place.

But why do that?

Why can't our decisions just fall somewhere in the middle? Why must we choose? Blue or Red, does it really matter?

Of course I'm not saying one doesn't have to choose. But making a decision is a pain in the ass, what more making the right decision that is right. Thing is, you may never know whether if it's right. Having other people telling you what's right and what's wrong does help, but I think trusting one's own instinct and do what he likes and think it's right for himself is important. Because in the end, it is a decision of your own, one that you make that brings no regret.

What I'm trying to say is, if you do not know what to do at the very moment, let it be. Stay there for awhile till all your doubts are cleared out.

It is not so bad standing in the middle of nowhere, not knowing where you are. Maybe just by standing there, you could see what's coming to you from all directions. Sooner or later, you'll find the sun at the end of one of the roads. And you just know..

That's where you should be heading..

Just when I thought I could take it..
Then I realized,
I just needed to see it with my own eyes.
And I did.

Surviving the worse last half of an April Fools' Day.
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