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Sunday, April 11, 2010

Theory or Fact?

Translated: If it isn't yours, don't force it.

Recently, a friend of mine got turned down by a girl, again. He fancies this girl for quite awhile now, one day when he finally got the courage to ask the girl out.. well, he got turned down. But the girl did ask for some time to think about it. So he didn't give up, he asked again after awhile, only this time it ruined their friendship.

When people say if you want to make something yours, you keep trying, never give up. But does that really work? Is it just a theory or a fact? Like my friend, he didn't give up, but what he got in the end is not a relationship, but a ruined friendship, broken heart. If he would have stopped trying after the first time, he'd still have the friendship. But what would people say? That he didn't want her enough, that's why he could never get her.

So really, if something isn't yours, should you stop trying and let it go?

Or keep trying till it's yours?

Which should I say to my poor, heart broken friend?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The solution to this scenario is very straightforward. I feel this guy should just treat this girl as a casual friend rather than wanting to own her. Cos I am sure she is not ready for any relationship yet. The guy may keep on trying on her but the outcome will still be the same. Advising him to just play cool is a good approach in this. Let's say if she is ready, it will automatically show up. Its better off to remain on casual friendship than letting her avoid him, right? Well, as the Chinese saying goes, 'If things aren't yours, it will not come to you. If its destined to be yours, no matter what, it will find its way to you without you realizing it.'

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