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Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Damned fish!

Need I say more? ♥

So I was in the train the other day thinking, if someone smells like fish market sits right beside you and you can't stand the smell.. what would you do?

1. Get away from your seat and stand elsewhere
2. Stay there till you get off, despite the fact that you might just puke any minute

It was a hard decision, I stayed still thinking, if I stayed there and hold my breath, I would go out of breath any minute and I might suffocate and die! But if I went away, would I be hurting or embarrass that person? I mean, you might tell me it is no big deal, but if someone were to move away from me, I would most definitely feel it. Obviously, I'm no good at putting myself first when it comes to things like that. I stayed there till I get off the train. It was hell of a torture!

I've got the answer to my question,
I suppose I just need to learn to accept it.

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