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Sunday, May 08, 2011

AwayFromLove Day#5

Oh why am I still counting? Well, because this is the count of victory!! I actually bathed and get dressed up and go out! It felt good, sooo good! You know how you always say that I don't care? This has got to show you that I do?! Doesn't it? 

I lost the heart to actually do anything, I did nothing the past few days. Now it just feels like all of it was a big waste of time, but it shows you how much I do care! So it actually still worth something! =D All that sitting around, sleeping, napping, doing nothing at all, etc. Oh ya, do you know how much I've eaten the past few days?! You wouldn't believe it! Just think of this, a bowl of noodles and dessert/cupcakes at 3 in the morning!! What's worse is that, I didn't do that just for a night!! You ought to give me back some love, you owe me that much!!

       ____ . Last few days were bit of a hell, but I did learn something =)

My happy face is back, you know why.
I know that because I was asked for ID when I bought my liquor earlier.

           See you tonight, Love!
    TONIGHT . . . (`/♥ , ♥) . . . TONIGHT 

Only you,

1 comment:

ChocoBear said...

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Button Mushroom by Jessica is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 2.1 Japan License.